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App Shopper
ArtKive -- save your kids' art without the clutter
Biblion: World’s Fair - A free Apple iPad app. This former App of the Week provides access to documents, images, films, audio, and essays about the 1939-1940 World’s Fair in New York City. A web version of it came out this past summer. The Futurama portion of it will be featured.(2011 Tech Showcase)
Color - lets you broadcast live from your phone, without needing to wait for a video to upload.
Foursquare - A location-based social-networking site where users can “check-in” to various venues (like your library). Use it for outreach and marketing of your library. (2011 Tech Showcase)
Google Wallet - A secure way to integrate credit cards, rewards cards and membership cards into the thing you never leave home without, your smartphone. (2012 Showcase)
Layar - A mobile application that visually overlays information from social networks onto the real world. Using Augmented Reality technology you can see web 2.0 information in the real world in real time. (2011 Tech Showcase)
Near Field Communication - NFC is a technology that connects electronic devices with smart tags or other electronic devices. (2012 Showcase)
OCLS Shake It! - Also at various App Stores/iTunes – Find something to read, watch, or listen to with OCLS Shake It! Give your Android device a shake, and OCLS Shake It! will find a title for you in our catalog. Discover a whole world of audiobooks, movies, novels, biographies, and more! Want a different suggestion? Give it another shake!
Path - Private messaging and sharing with friends and family.
PayPal Mobile
Quixey -- the search engine for apps (added 02/13/2013)
Square - Now all you need to accept credit cards is iPad, iPhone or Android. Free reader, fast setup, one simple rate for swipe fees. (2011 Tech Showcase)
Stampt - A customer-loyalty program for smartphones. (2011 Tech Showcase)
Sirsi BookMyne - a great app that you can find your library with and then look at the library catalog and place holds:
Winksite – More people are using their cell phones for browsing than calling. Libraries can tap into this with mobile services. (2011 Tech Showcase)
Zite evaluates millions of new stories every day, looking at the type of article, its key attributes and how it is shared across the web. Zite uses this information to match stories to your personal interests and then delivers them automatically to your iPad or iPhone.
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